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Pan Pacific Cares
Pan Pacific Cares redefines guests’ stay experience with elevated cleaning standards and protocol to take care of our guests, associates, along with care for the community and environment.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
During these unprecedented times, Pan Pacific Cares is our pledge to you, to give you a peace of mind as you stay and dine with us globally.
We have established “Clean Stay” standards in areas that include guest rooms, meeting rooms and dining outlets at our hotel. Precautionary measures taken at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka include:
- Contactless check-in.
- We have stepped up on the disinfection of public spaces and guestrooms, and have made hand sanitisers available.
- All guests are required to complete health declaration questions during check-in.
- As a precaution, our employees are taking temperatures twice daily and are constantly reminded to adopt good personal hygiene practices.
- Mandatory temperature screening for all guests at the hotel entrance upon visiting the hotel.
- Gatherings and events at venues such as public areas, gym, pool, function rooms, restaurants and dining outlets must also comply with the existing guidelines, which includes improving ventilation, advising participants to reduce contact with others and to ensure separation of at least one metre between people.
- Hotel vehicle disinfection.
- Banquet setup revised.
- Strict health advisery guideline for all staff.
Here are some ways to keep safe from COVID-19:
- All guests are required to complete health declaration questions during check-in.
- Clean your hands often by using soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.
Cancellation must be received more than 24 hours prior to arrival to avoid a penalty fee.
During these unprecedented times, Pan Pacific Cares is our pledge to you, to give you a peace of mind as you stay and dine with us globally. Find out more about Pan Pacific Cares here.
The types of accomodation at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka include:
- Deluxe Room
- Premier Room
- Suites
Check-in at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka is from 3:00 PM, and check-out is until 12:00 PM.
Some of the facilities available include:
- 24-hour Fitness Centre
- Steam Room
- Spa/Jacuzzi/Sauna
- Outdoor Pool
- Pacific Business Centre
- Pacific Lounge
Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka has a total of six restaurants and bars:
- Jharna Grill
- Café Bazar
- Pool Café
- Aromaz
- Lobby Lounge
- Pacific Avenue
Nearby attractions include:
- Ahsan Manzil
- Lalbagh Fort
- National Parliament House
- National Museum of Dhaka
Complimentary parking at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka is available for all in-house guests.
Yes, Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka has an outdoor pool, consisting of a large rectangle swimming pool and a semi-circular wading pool for the young ones.
- 下榻精致优雅的五星级度假居所达卡泛太平洋酒店,体验豪华客房与现代化设施带来的无限便利与奢华享受,将城市的喧嚣与繁华抛之脑后,焕发所有感官活力,尽享轻松惬意。
- 阿赫桑曼济勒粉红宫殿坐落于Kumartoli,沿孟加拉达卡的布里甘加河河岸而建,曾是达卡纳瓦布家族的官邸。这座宏伟的宫殿始建于1859年,于1872年竣工,印度撒拉逊复兴风格的建筑构造令人眼前一亮,赋予其独特之美,后被作为国家博物馆。
- 拉尔巴城堡(亦称奥兰加巴德城堡)雄踞孟加拉达卡西南部的布里甘加河沿岸,是17世纪莫卧儿王朝时期的一座未完工要塞。这座城堡始建于公元1678年,由奥朗则布皇帝之子莫卧儿·穆罕默德·阿扎姆·沙阿发起,穆罕默德·阿扎姆后来也当上了皇帝。他的继任者沙斯塔·汗统治达卡一直到1688年,但并没有继续这项工程。
- Bangabandhu纪念博物馆位于Dhanmondi R/A32号路,是孟加拉国父 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman的住所。当时的东巴基斯坦(即现在的孟加拉国)与西巴基斯坦之间发生了长达9个月的内战,1971年3月 25日晚,Sheikh Mujibur Rahman被捕,当晚他就住在这里。博物馆现珍藏着他的个人物品和生平图片。
- 作为孟加拉的国家纪念碑,Shaheed Minar语言运动烈士中央纪念碑沉痛缅怀1952年为促进极具历史意义的孟加拉语言运动而牺牲的烈士。
- 以炸鸡桶、鸡翅和小吃而闻名的快餐连锁店。
- 咖啡店
- Nando's是一家国际休闲餐饮连锁店,于1987年创办于南非,主打莫桑比克/葡萄牙风味美食。其招牌菜是以特殊佐料烹制而成的鸡肉,搭配中辣、辣、特辣和超辣四种PERi-PERi酱料(即著名的非洲鸡),带来独特口感,给人以无限的满足感。
- 必胜客是一家美国连锁餐厅和国际加盟店,以披萨和美味小吃而闻名。
- 美味可口的牛排餐厅。
- 世界银行隶属世界银行集团,是联合国发展集团的成员之一。集团致力于促进海外投资、国际贸易和资本投资便利化。
- Bangabandhu国际会议中心,亦称孟中友谊会议中心,坐落于达卡Sher-e-Bangla,是孟加拉唯一一座国际会议中心。该建筑于2001年完工,由北京市建筑设计研究院设计,主要用于举办大型会议和婚宴。
- 孟加拉服装制造商与出口商协会 (BGMEA) 是一家经认可的贸易机构,主要为该国的出口导向型服装制造商和出口商提供服务。
- 亚洲开发银行 (ADB) 于1966年8月22日成立,是一家区域性开发银行。其总部设于菲律宾马尼拉大都会,旨在促进亚洲的经济发展。银行接纳联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(UNESCAP),前身为亚洲和远东经济委员会(ECAFE)成员及域外发展中国家的成员。
- 达卡工商会 (DCCI) 是孟加拉最大的商会,成员包括工业集团、制造商、进口商、出口商和贸易商,其中大部分来自中小型企业 (SME)。达卡工商会的主要宗旨是通过宣传、认知活动及对政府的政策建言推广私营企业和公司。
- 孟加拉银行是孟加拉的中央银行,也是亚洲清算联盟的成员之一。银行积极参与制定绿色银行业务和金融包容性政策,是金融包容联盟的重要成员之一。埃格蒙特集团成员孟加拉金融情报机构 (BFIU) 也隶属该银行。
- 购物中心位于 Panthapath,毗邻Karwan Bazar商业区和达卡泛太平洋酒店,是一家大型购物中心。商场共有2,500家零售店和自助餐厅,地下设有一个大型健身房,并拥有一个多厅影院和室内主题公园,顶楼还有一处美食区。整个商场配备空调,堪称新兴城市达卡的现代化象征。这里也是南亚最大的购物中心之一,每天接待游客多达2.5万人次。
- BCS电脑城是一栋四层楼的建筑,购物区面积约达10万平方英尺,设有超过156家电脑硬件、配件及相关产品零售与批发门店,每日吸引着大量顾客和游客慕名前来。电脑城不仅仅是一座购物中心,还是孟加拉的IT中心。
- 高尔杉粉红城以服饰和珠宝在当地享负盛名,对于钟爱品牌的女性来说,可谓购物的理想之选。
- 贾木纳未来公园位于Bashundhara(靠近机场),总面积达545万平方英尺(51万平方米),是一座大型购物中心,也是南亚同类型购物中心中最大的一座,位列世界第11位。此外,它还设有一个供儿童娱乐的主题公园。
- Aarong购物中心创立于1978年,从起步时的默默无名一路奋进,现已发展成为孟加拉领先的零售连锁商场之一,专门售卖传统服饰和手工艺品。这一时髦品牌致力于维护边缘人群的尊严,不仅为贫困的农村妇女提供收入来源和社会发展机会,同时竭力保护和推广孟加拉的手工艺品。
- 传奇
- 景点
- 商业
- 餐饮
- 购物
- 地址107 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh
- 电话+880 2 5502 8008
- 电子邮件enquiry.ppdac.panpacific@panpacific.panpacific.com .panpacific
- 总经理电子邮件gm.ppdac.panpacific@panpacific.panpacific.com.panpacific
- 到达此处https://www.panpacific.com/zh/ppdac/gettinghere
- 孟加拉服装制造商与出口商协会 0.25公里
- 世界卫生组织 1公里
- 世界银行 4公里
- 距离机场 14公里/30分钟车程